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Sonntag, 21. April 2019

News Team Slovenija

Team Boilieandmore Slovenija wins St. Hubertus XII. Challenge week- lake Haromfa Hungary

Between 25.april and 30.april 2019, Team Boilieandmore Slovenia (Jozef, Klemen, Saso, Masha and Vid) participated on International carp Cup in Hungary.  On cup participated 21 teams from Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenija. The cup is designed to each day, you draw for the new peg. On first day, the youngest member of Jaunig family-VID draw the peg named Jurrasic (photo describes why), which always produced a lot of carp in spring time. In first 22 hours we caught 9 carps in total weight of 102 kg. Next peg was drawn by MASHA-peg no.6 and we caught two 13 kilos carps. Next two day we caught nothing and on last draw we were still on the lead of competition, with one Hungary team only 12 kg behind us. The gods of draw decided that Hungary team gets peg No.4 and we get peg No.5-neighbors… during the night both team caught nothing, but Romanian team on peg Jurrasic caught couple of carps and had 96 kg in total three hours before the end of cup. Last three hours was very nervous, luckily for us, the Romanian team caught just one more 15 kg carp and when the head marshal Viktor announced that we are the champions, party started. Thanks to Ziggy and Christa for new Scopilla, CocoNut and White cream boilies, who caught the majority of fish-excellent!
Thanks all for good wishes and cheers during the competition.

Tight lines-Petri

Team Boilie&More Slovenija

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